Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Bill Of Rights Can Be Terminated

So Chicago Police officers have stated that your First Amendment rights can be terminated.  This is another example of people who just don't get it.

Instead of focusing on the thugs who are causing ninety-four murders thus far this year when there were sixty-six last year, they are trying to stop the bad message about Chicago, i.e. the city is not safe.  The city is either not investing in enough officers or allowing citizens to be armed to protect themselves.  Regardless of the policy differences people may have on funding cops or whatnot, you have to take exception to the police use of force in moving reporters away from a hospital where they are reporting on the news.

The Godfather should perhaps think about a way to control the thugs who he has otherwise coddled.  Chicago has been a mess for months and as the new Mayor, he has done little to help the situation.  Time to step up.

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