- You can carry a firearm?
- You can carry a firearm on any number of flights that the rest of us can not?
- You can carry credentials that make you an agent, a special agent, of the US federal government?
- You receive a security clearance after an extensive background check and go through more than 27 weeks of specialized training?
...and you need a chaperone?
Mr. Sullivan, is this a joke? The men and women of the US Secret Service do not need chaperones - as you are apparently directing - for your agents. They need to remember they are in a profession that is all about honor and maybe your boys and girls need a little lesson in honor and not another babysitter. Aren't they busy enough babysitting prima donnas to need a babysitter themselves?
I am appalled by the behavior of the gentlemen, and I use the term loosely, in Cartagena and probably in El Salvador and we could go on and on I am sure now that the lid is off. Using the Bushido Code that followed the samurai, Honor meant you were born and bred to value the duties and privileges of your profession.
A chaperone will not fix that any more than they keep boys and girls from getting together on school band trips. The right answer is to make sure your employees know their responsibility to not only their mission, but to their profession.
A chaperone is just another embarrassment to an organization that needs to reassert its samurai sensibility.
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