So according to
Time magazine via another
post on the breitbart site Obama was not the "guts" of the decision in relation to Osama bin Laden afterall.
As per usual for 44, Obama is not Mr. Guts and Glory, but instead defers timing, control, and operational decisions to Admiral McRaven. The Ben Shapiro post is totally correct on this one. Obama claimed all the credit because the op went well, if it had gone bad it would have all over McRaven's doorstep.

It reminds me of Kennedy's response after the Cuban missile crisis when he quoted the Count Galeazzo Ciano who said, "Victory has a hundred fathers, but defeat is an orphan." Now and then it would be nice if Obama would invoke a little bit of Kennedy and learn some humility. I am probably asking for too much, but Obama will be out of office in a very few months. January 20 can not come quick enough!
For those of you interested enough to see it, here is the hand written memo from the DCI (Director of Central Intelligence) Leon Panetta.
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