Sunday, January 22, 2012

Life, Death, and Everything Else...

Somedays this job gets to me. I just saw the movie Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, which has its own set of wonderful memories for me from 9-11, but the day starts with the 0001 call where a seventeen year old commits suicide.

We see people in such awkward situations in their life....good and bad, but I never understand the suicide issue. The specifics of what I know of this young person I will leave for another day as I suspect this is quickly headed to court for a number of reasons, but again and again I wonder what brings people to the situations they end up in whether it be suicide, unintentional attempted suicide via racing along the highway at 104 MPH in a 65 limit zone, or not caring for yourself by checking your blood sugar to make sure you are in range.

It is a dark world out there sometimes and I am thankful I have my faith and my church to help me through some of the situations we see everyday.

For my colleagues out there, be safe and stay strong. Clearly there are lots of people who need a helping hand and EMS may be their only opportunity to see some rays of light.

1 comment:

  1. You are right. Some people may see the unknown guys that serve as the ambulance crew for that day as their only hope. There are many times when it's so much easier to tell your troubles to someone you don't know (and may never see again) than it is to tell them to the people close to you. No matter what, we are always there to be supportive, understanding and caring (yes, even at 0300).
