Saturday, January 28, 2012

Chili Cook Offs and First Date

I love chili. Granted there are multiple definitions of what is and isn't "chili" as I was told by another parishioner at my church tonight. He believes (incorrectly in my opinion) that chili does not have beans or anything other than meat and spice, but we agree to disagree. I did do a quick search last night and can find no encyclical on chili yet. Personally, I wonder if Pope Benedict XVI will wade into something so controversial, but given the passions of chili eaters everywhere, somehow I doubt it.

We had multiple great versions represented and I am honestly unclear on how the judge's were able to make their decisions. While we got a number of compliments, there is clearly a presentation award that we were not aware of when we made the year we have this though as I am pretty confident we can impress upon the judges that we are serious.

During all of the hubbub was a nice treat though. A friend - a female friend even - of my oldest child showed up. He is traditionally ridiculously shy about the fairer gender so it was nice to see him act normal around a girl who he clearly has a bit of a crush on and vice versa. It nice to see him act so intelligently around a girl - no pushing or shoving - treating this young lady like he would his mama. Moreover, he helped me dice my toppings so strong marks all the way around tonight for my big man. Given that he is eight, hopefully he doesn't leave us in the dust too quickly.

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