A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
This story bothers me on so many levels - the first of which is that someone would attempt to force their way into a house - much less than of a single mother - even worse, a single mother whose husband died within the past week, but maybe worse yet is the idea we have to ask permission of the government to defend ourselves. Something went wrong with our American sense of jurisprudence when we require victims to get the permission of those who fail to protect them to protect themselves. This is not just an issue of jurisprudence, but one of education as well, as it seems our public classrooms are constantly espousing the view that you can not protect yourself against bullies. It may not be proper, but I say to Hell with that idea.
In schools everyday, bullies are allowed to roam their campuses with impunity because school administrators and teachers will not take them on and stop their vile and violent behavior, but will quickly tell the victims student there is nothing to be done. This type of action is exactly what led to the NYC subway shooting by Bernie Goetz: rampant crime and no response from the police leaving individuals to wonder can I protect myself?.
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