Wow. All in one day.
I am sure eventually it will get better because TSA continues to top itself again and again, but on the same day it admits...woops, we went too far with your grandmothers and that there is no radiation risk from their scanning equipment, we find out we are in real trouble.
During a routine passenger entrance, screeners missed a firearm. Woops.
Let me guess, the woman went through the screening with her carry on and her bag looked like it had a blow dryer on it. This situation reminds me of the Jerry Seinfeld joke about who is it we put in front of these scanners. There is always the heavyset woman with the metal tongs on her pants hanging on for dear life right there at the x-ray machine. "What is this a bowling ball candle? What is that a blow dryer with a scope...you're fine, you're fine."
Once again, we have all this invasive security equipment and an intrusion into our lives, but we are still relying on people. People who are not serious about their business and really no different than what we had on 9-11. This would be funny, if it were not so sad because while this woman may or may not have had ill intent, what is clear is the bad guys might have and there is no stopping them from transferring the weapon to another person if they had wanted to. What then?
Another tragedy. Another tragedy in the sky, while the keystone cops engage another tragedy altogether against our human and civil rights on the ground.
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