As Fleischer points out Gingrich is the only candidate who will have the financial support to run in every state other than Rick Perry. Perry though has demonstrated again and again that he is not ready for the big time of Presidential politics and should consider a way that he can cash in on his repetitive terms as Texas Governor because I am not sure where else he goes from here.
The important issue of course is not only money, but the fact that Mitt is, well, Mitt. Romney has a host of issues as a "conservative" which he can barely fake when he wants to. Which side of the fence are you on Mr. Romney? Abortion, gun control, greenhouse gases?
While some will paint him as exactly the candidate we want in terms of a candidate with business experience, a true "capitalist" nothing can be further from the truth. Here too, GOP operatives more hopeful of a Republican White House win are too ready to sacrifice principal on the altar of winning politics. Romney's history at Bain is clear. Again and again, Bain raided companies, leveraged them while spinning off pieces of laying off American workers. He did this with seed money from foreign sources and then used guaranteed pensions for his personal profit, leaving the American taxpayer with the pension bill while he and his cronies made millions.
This is all before we even discuss the issues of the bailouts that Romney needed after he bankrupted these companies.
Gingrich on the other hand has (mostly) been clear on his stance on various issues. His ideas were the ideas that led Republicans from the wilderness of a permanent minority into the majority for the first time in decades. Unlike Romney who plays the typical Washington game of win-lose, Gingrich works to find win-win solutions. While he is by no means perfect he should stay in the race and offer an opportunity for Republicans to have multiple candidates to consider. Without it, the Republican Party will simply nominate John McCain 2.0 and watch him lose to Obama.
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