Friday, January 13, 2012

Mr. State's Rights or Sore Loser

Today is the day when we find out if the federal courts will support "Mister State's Rights" Rick Perry in his attempt to get on Virginia's Republican Presidential Primary ballot. For years, the Commonwealth has had a standard where you were required to submit 10,000 valid signatures with at least 400 signatures coming from each of the eleven Congressional Districts and all of the signatures being received by a valid voter themself, i.e. I can not collect signatures in Virginia any longer because I am a citizen of Texas.

In Governor Perry's case, like that of Newt Gingrich, he was short signatures. Rick Santorum, very short on people AND money, did not even submit a petition. Now, after the process has concluded and he was denied a place on the ballot per the rules he agreed to when he got into Virginia he is complaining about process. Unfortunately, the right time to do this is on the front end before you turn in signatures, but moreover each state has its own standards - something Rick Perry tells us he is in favor of...he believes in the Tenth Amendment...unless he doesn't like it.

Unfortunately this portends a very slippery slope should he somehow get back into the Presidential nominating process. Would a President Perry really support state's rights, or only when it suited his other needs. It is disappointing he decided to play sour grapes with his electoral defeat (essentially) in Virginia and run to the liberal activist courts he cries about in fundraising other days.

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