President Obama has made his road harder on both his re-election and those who support immigration to the United States.
In what is sure to be the 2012 election's Willie Horton ad of the fall, Mr. Obama apparently chose to not deport a Haitian immigrant that then went on to murder three. While this news may not be specific to immigrants from Haiti or Mr. Obama it is the type of thing that plays directly into the hands of those who do not support immigration as a fundamental part of our American fabric.
The topic always amazes me as a conservative because people who come to this country are looking for what conservatives are looking for...opportunity. Conservatives are supposed to believe in people; people who want to make their own life, have the chance to start a business, get their children educated, and be parts of society, but unfortunately there are, like in every immigrant cohort before, those who also seek opportunity also in the form of victims. Rather than work for success, they are happy to prey on those who try to make their lives better. This is not unique to immigrants whether they be from Haiti, Mexico, or England. There are plenty of good old boys born and bred right here in Texas and New York and even your state who are willing to be bad participants of society, but immigration being a hot button expect to hear more of the name Kesler come October because it is popular to beat up on a class of people for political points because of actions of the one percent.
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