Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Obama 2.0

Uh oh. With the victory of Mitt Romney in Iowa, a realize it is almost a tie with an eight vote separation, but one can not miss the fact that should Romney find his way to the nomination and win the Presidency, we probably have not changed anything in a serious way.

Romney has repeatedly supported big government economic stimulus and the TARP programs. A lot like Obama. He has also been in on the General Motors bailout.

Obama has stated publicly that Obamacare is based on Romneycare. Worse yet for Mittens, he doesn't know if he does or doesn't support his big government state run healthcare program. What the rest of us do know is that our healthcare goes down and our taxes go up with both programs.

Finally, both seem awkward - at best - in politics. Both are too stand offish to be real pols and whether it be Bill Clinton or George W. Bush, both would have been ten times more comfortable at a ropeline than Obama or Romney.

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

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