Goodbye Republican Party. It has been an interesting 150 years, but I guess you have run your course.
Excellent articles today here and here on why the Republican Party will lose itself should Mitt Romney become the nominee of the Republican Party. More imporantly, both articles tend to provide some ammunition to the idea that the Republican Party has left the heart and soul of the party behind...those working stiffs who sit around at night trying to figure out how to pay the bills the government seems to continually create through higher middle class taxes, regulation on small business, and an environment that does not educate nor protect our children. These same folks seem to be running to the Tea Party in droves and the GOP establishment doesn't seem to get it...yet.
Like 1912 when Teddy Roosevelt's Bull Moose Party came to national prominence, the modern GOP must get its act together and figure out who it represents before it suffers calamity. Voters are tired of the same old excuses and the modern economics explanations for this, that, or the other which do not hold water. Our full time do nothing Congress is second only to our part time do nothing President.
The articles lay out precisely why the GOP must abandon this tried and true method of nominating the least offensive candidate who we already know and take one of the conservatives - with their flaws - and run a conservative Reagan style campaign.
If indeed Obama is today's Jimmy Carter than we must nominate today's Ronald Reagan and while I am not sure that person truly exists, the person it certainly is not, is Mitt Romney. Hopefully South Carolina voters will find a way to support a conservative and return us to the correct path before the GOP ceases to exist.
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